We all have done it. Talked on our cell phone while driving. That is an absolute NOT! Even with increased laws that prohibit driving while yakking away...we still seem to do it. How many times have you seen someone making a left hand turn with their cell phone buried in their ear with not a care in the world.....until they re-end someone. You have not only damaged your vehicle but another vehicle as well and that cars owner is the biggest human being you have ever seen and they are not happy. By trying to save 1 minute you have just added hours of time to your schedule while costing yourself a lot of green, and who know about injuries.
We all know how not to drive distracted but here are some reminders
- Use your device hands free
- It can wait
- Talking is bad enough but texting too...Comeon Think!
- Are you really that hungry? Wait til you arrive or park it.
- Use signage as a reminder to yourself and others
Check Out The Signs We Offer to help you and others remember to drive safely!